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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA180 PCB & SWITCH 1CASE 80KGS Seoul SEL- Damascus DAM JUN -20-2002 Close
HA179 TEXTILE 3CARTON 80KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI JUN -21-2002 Close
HA178 HEALTHY FOOD 18CARTON 240KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL JUN -23-2002 Close
HA177 E.GOOD 72CARTON 540KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL JUN -20-2002 Close
HA176 ¾Æ±â¿ëÇ° 50CARTON 350KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL JUN -17-2002 Close
HA175 ÀÇ·á±â±â 2BOX 100KGS Dallas,TX DFW- Seoul SEL JUN -20-2002 Close
HA172 Á¾ÀÚ 32CARTON 1100KGS Copenhagen CPH- Seoul SEL JUN -11-2002 Close
HA171 textile 10CARTON 500KGS Seoul SEL- Vancouver,Bc YVR JUN -05-2002 Close
HA170 machinery 5BOX 345KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Haneda HND JUN -06-2002 Close
HA169 healthy food 40CARTON 360KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL JUN -05-2002 Close
HA168 ¾ç½Ä±â 1CARTON 150KGS Seoul SEL- Ankara ANK JUN -03-2002 Close
HA167 funiture 3CASE 250KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL JUN -11-2002 Close
HA166 baby goods 4CARTON 130KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL JUN -10-2002 Close
HA165 shoes & bags 22CARTON 540KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA JUN -04-2002 Close
HA164 motor 1BOX 20KGS Seoul SEL- London LON MAY -30-2002 Close
HA163 leather garment 12CARTON 370KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAY -30-2002 Close
HA162 BABY GOODS 28CARTON 400KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL MAY -25-2002 Close
HA161 E.GOODS 5CARTON 130KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAY -22-2002 Close
HA160 Á꽺¹Í½º 2BOX 60KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL MAY -17-2002 Close
HA159 fabrics 6CARTON 90KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI MAY -16-2002 Close
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