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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA362 machine 3CASE 120KGS Paris PAR- Seoul SEL APR -02-2007 Close
HA361 medical goods 3CARTON 79KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL APR -01-2007 Close
HA360 heater pipe acc 30BAG 510KGS Seoul SEL- Bangkok BKK MAR -21-2007 Close
HA359 loster 4BAG 130KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN MAR -23-2007 Close
HA358 fraim 15CASE 550KGS Seoul SEL- Bangkok BKK MAR -20-2007 Close
HA357 sensor 2CARTON 25KGS Guangzhou CAN- Seoul SEL MAR -14-2007 Close
HA356 tester 1CASE 80KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL MAR -19-2007 Close
HA355 health food 4CARTON 130KGS Paris PAR- Seoul SEL MAR -06-2007 Close
HA354 SENSOR 4BAG 80KGS Guangzhou CAN- Seoul SEL MAR -08-2007 Close
HA353 THICKNESS METER 5BAG 100KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL MAR -06-2007 Close
HA352 measure meter 9BAG 110KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAR -02-2007 Close
HA351 sensor 5BAG 89KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL FEB -26-2007 Close
HA350 stainless pipe 2PALLET 4200KGS Shanghai SHA- Seoul SEL NOV -29-2006 Close
HA349 inqubater 3CASE 180KGS Shanghai SHA- Seoul SEL NOV -15-2006 Close
HA348 °èÃø±â 2CARTON 35KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL NOV -09-2006 Close
HA347 autoparts 1CARTON 54KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN NOV -14-2006 Close
HA346 ½ÄÇâ 3DRUM 286KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL NOV -16-2006 Close
HA345 leather 5BALE 370KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL NOV -07-2006 Close
HA344 labster 2PALLET 500KGS London LON- Seoul SEL AUG -06-2006 Close
HA343 auto parts 1CASE 25KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN JUL -28-2006 Close
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