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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA302 leather string 18CARTON 450KGS Delhi DEL- Seoul SEL AUG -19-2005 Close
HA301 shirts 5BAG 120KGS Seoul SEL- Adana ADA AUG -17-2005 Close
HA300 fabrics 18CARTON 380KGS Seoul SEL- Toulouse TLS AUG -11-2005 Close
HA299 graphic card 34CARTON 560KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL AUG -17-2005 Close
HA298 leather strings 15CARTON 380KGS Delhi DEL- Seoul SEL AUG -11-2005 Close
HA297 chain ring 12DRUM 5700KGS Vienna VIE- Seoul SEL AUG -10-2005 Close
HA296 graphic card 32CARTON 650KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL JUL -11-2005 Close
HA295 graphic card 60CARTON 1050KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL JUL -14-2005 Close
HA294 graphic card 45CARTON 800KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL JUL -11-2005 Close
HA293 öµµÂ÷·®ºÎÇ° 1UNIT 50KGS Seoul SEL- Kuala Lumpur KUL APR -29-2005 Close
HA292 valve 6CARTON 45KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL APR -29-2005 Close
HA291 HOME SAUNA 1CASE 340KGS Seoul SEL- Atlanta,GA ATL APR -08-2005 Close
HA290 inflatable boat 130BOX 5000KGS Seoul SEL- Barcelona BCN APR -06-2005 Close
HA289 yarn 130CARTON 3770KGS Seoul SEL- Accra ACC MAR -21-2005 Close
HA288 e-good 8CARTON 900KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Haneda HND FEB -05-2005 Close
HA287 e.goods 7CARTON 320KGS Seoul SEL- Montreal,Quebec-Dorval YUL JAN -21-2005 Close
HA286 medical goods 1BOX 450KGS Seoul SEL- Nairobi NBO JAN -20-2005 Close
HA285 garment 30CARTON 550KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Narita NRT JAN -06-2005 Close
HA284 GOLF SETS 8CARTON 780KGS Tokyo-Haneda HND- Jakarta JKT DEC -07-2004 Close
HA283 ¸¶½ºÅ© 47CARTON 980KGS Seoul SEL- Budapest BUD JUL -19-2004 Close
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