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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA242 Pharmaceuticals 5BOX 350KGS Seoul SEL- Hamburg HAM MAR -18-2003 Close
HA241 furniture 5CASE 520KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL MAR -13-2003 Close
HA240 auto part 5BAG 65KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI MAR -05-2003 Close
HA239 º®½Ã°è 5CARTON 150KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAR -12-2003 Close
HA238 DIGITAL CAMERA 8BAG 190KGS Shenzhen SZX- Seoul SEL MAR -06-2003 Close
HA237 catalogue 2CARTON 45KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN FEB -27-2003 Close
HA236 digital camera 15CARTON 120KGS Shenzhen SZX- Seoul SEL FEB -11-2003 Close
HA235 main board 18BAG 540KGS Seoul SEL- Helsinki HEL JAN -25-2003 Close
HA234 computer board 32CARTON 1100KGS Seoul SEL- Moscow MOW JAN -22-2003 Close
HA233 ink 18CARTON 270KGS London LON- Seoul SEL JAN -14-2003 Close
HA232 Fabric 110CARTON 65KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN JAN -09-2003 Close
HA231 fabrics 3CARTON 50KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN DEC -17-2002 Close
HA229 garment 5CARTON 150KGS Seoul SEL- Manila MNL DEC -12-2002 Close
HA228 electric good 4CARTON 160KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Haneda HND DEC -15-2002 Close
HA227 sensor 5CARTON 180KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL NOV -28-2002 Close
HA226 °í¹«º¸Æ® 3BAG 220KGS Seoul SEL- Sanya SYX NOV -18-2002 Close
HA225 garment 24BAG 2500KGS Seoul SEL- Shenzhen SZX NOV -17-2002 Close
HA224 fabrics 6CARTON 240KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI NOV -11-2002 Close
HA223 LCD 12CARTON 280KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL NOV -11-2002 Close
HA222 FUNITURE 5CASE 380KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL NOV -09-2002 Close
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