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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA282 Amplifier 9CARTON 180KGS Seoul SEL- London-Heathrow LHR JUN -01-2004 Close
HA281 juice 62DRUM 10000KGS Tehran THR- Seoul SEL MAR -05-2004 Close
HA280 juice 31DRUM 5000KGS Tehran THR- Seoul SEL MAR -02-2004 Close
HA279 GARMENT 18CARTON 178KGS Seoul SEL- Toronto,Ontario YTO FEB -20-2004 Close
HA278 funiture 5CASE 380KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL FEB -22-2004 Close
HA277 ³Ãµ¿±âºÎÇ° 3CARTON 60KGS New York,NY-Kennedy JFK- Seoul SEL FEB -22-2004 Close
HA276 Cash Registers 72CARTON 460KGS Seoul SEL- Sofia SOF FEB -12-2004 Close
HA275 ZIPPER 12BAG 110KGS Seoul SEL- Toronto,Ontario YTO JAN -20-2004 Close
HA274 zipper 12BAG 117KGS Seoul SEL- Toronto,Ontario YTO JAN -10-2004 Close
HA273 garment 8BAG 100KGS Seoul SEL- Madras MAA JAN -08-2004 Close
HA272 garment 18CARTON 180KGS Seoul SEL- Vancouver,Bc YVR JAN -07-2004 Close
HA271 garment 18BAG 170KGS Seoul SEL- Lyon LYS DEC -29-2003 Close
HA270 garment 18CARTON 230KGS Seoul SEL- Kuwait KWI DEC -24-2003 Close
HA269 ladies pants 5CARTON 280KGS Seoul SEL- Atlanta,GA ATL DEC -20-2003 Close
HA268 E-components 15CARTON 350KGS Seoul SEL- Madras MAA DEC -10-2003 Close
HA267 wine 5CASE 1500KGS Los Angeles,CA LAX- Seoul SEL DEC -01-2003 Close
HA266 paint 12CARTON 50KGS Seoul SEL- Beijing BJS NOV -14-2003 Close
HA265 textile 70ROLL 850KGS Milan MIL- Shanghai SHA NOV -07-2003 Close
HA264 baby goods 18CARTON 120KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL OCT -25-2003 Close
HA263 car inverter 12CARTON 200KGS Seoul SEL- Moscow MOW OCT -14-2003 Close
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