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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA158 household 8BOX 270KGS Seoul SEL- Chicago,IL CHI MAY -18-2002 Close
HA157 fabrics 12CARTON 120KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI MAY -20-2002 Close
HA156 »À°ñÀý °íÁ¤ºØ´ë 2BOX 115KGS Seoul SEL- Bombay BOM MAY -14-2002 Close
HA155 controler 37CARTON 680KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL MAY -14-2002 Close
HA154 baby goods 25CARTON 320KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL MAY -14-2002 Close
HA153 catalogue 3CARTON 130KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Narita NRT MAY -13-2002 Close
HA152 FOODSTUFF 32CARTON 460KGS Los Angeles,CA LAX- Seoul SEL MAY -10-2002 Close
HA151 TOYS 5CARTON 70KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAY -08-2002 Close
HA150 poly bag 15CARTON 370KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA MAY -06-2002 Close
HA149 ¸µÅ©Çصå 3CASE 45KGS Pusan PUS- Delhi DEL MAY -02-2002 Close
HA148 fabrics 20CARTON 450KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI APR -30-2002 Close
HA147 case 15BOX 300KGS Seoul SEL- Los Angeles,CA LAX APR -30-2002 Close
HA146 fabric 30CARTON 150KGS Seoul SEL- Hiroshima HIJ APR -26-2002 Close
HA145 CAPECITY GAUGES 4CARTON 90KGS Milan-Linate LIN- Seoul SEL APR -24-2002 Close
HA144 baby goods 25CARTON 110KGS Tokyo-Haneda HND- Seoul SEL APR -22-2002 Close
HA143 Electric 5CARTON 250KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Narita NRT APR -17-2002 Close
HA142 LCD 12CARTON 180KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL APR -16-2002 Close
HA141 garment 24CARTON 390KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA APR -16-2002 Close
HA140 baby goods 32CARTON 210KGS Osaka-Itami ITM- Seoul SEL APR -08-2002 Close
HA139 BABY GOODS 25CARTON 320KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL APR -04-2002 Close
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