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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA322 TFT-LCD CHIP 38BAG 769KGS Seoul SEL- New York,NY-Kennedy JFK JAN -23-2006 Close
HA321 condom 1CARTON 27KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB JAN -19-2006 Close
HA320 Dental goods 4CARTON 70KGS Seoul SEL- Edmonton,Alta-Municipal YXD JAN -26-2006 Close
HA319 garment 30CARTON 860KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA DEC -26-2005 Close
HA318 machine 1CASE 700KGS Seoul SEL- Boston,MA BOS JAN -15-2006 Close
HA317 leather 12BALE 3300KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL DEC -24-2005 Close
HA316 fabrics 18CARTON 640KGS Seoul SEL- Paris PAR DEC -09-2005 Close
HA315 leather 40BALE 4270KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL NOV -24-2005 Close
HA314 machine 1BOX 1050KGS Seoul SEL- Boston,MA BOS DEC -09-2005 Close
HA313 jewelry 1CARTON 20KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL NOV -04-2005 Close
HA312 leather 40BALE 3320KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL NOV -01-2005 Close
HA311 roaster 1CARTON 22KGS Seoul SEL- Surabaya SUB OCT -20-2005 Close
HA310 leather 46BALE 720KGS Madras MAA- Seoul SEL OCT -26-2005 Close
HA309 graphic card 25BAG 650KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL OCT -25-2005 Close
HA308 fiber 36BAG 880KGS Seoul SEL- Lyon LYS OCT -26-2005 Close
HA307 graphic card 30CARTON 390KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL OCT -12-2005 Close
HA306 spray parts 12CARTON 280KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL OCT -05-2005 Close
HA305 yarn 38CARTON 800KGS Seoul SEL- Paris PAR OCT -04-2005 Close
HA304 leather 50BALE 880KGS Madras MAA- Seoul SEL OCT -08-2005 Close
HA303 LCD MONITOR 5CARTON 150KGS Seoul SEL- Genoa GOA AUG -29-2005 Close
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