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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA201 healthy food 23BAG 210KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL AUG -17-2002 Close
HA200 fabric 18CARTON 360KGS Seoul SEL- Jakarta JKT AUG -21-2002 Close
HA199 GLASS LID 5CARTON 250KGS Shanghai SHA- Guayaquil GYE AUG -10-2002 Close
HA198 BABY TOY 8BAG 180KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL AUG -13-2002 Close
HA197 LCD 5CARTON 150KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL AUG -07-2002 Close
HA196 watch 8CARTON 420KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL AUG -12-2002 Close
HA195 healthy food 24CARTON 320KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL AUG -09-2002 Close
HA194 fabriocs 3CARTON 40KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG AUG -01-2002 Close
HA193 hardness tester 50CARTON 510KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL JUL -30-2002 Close
HA192 flowmeter 8CARTON 240KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL JUL -27-2002 Close
HA191 ¾Æ±â¿ëÇ° 27CARTON 130KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL JUL -20-2002 Close
HA190 hardness tester 50CARTON 520KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL JUL -16-2002 Close
HA189 sensor 30CARTON 340KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL JUL -13-2002 Close
HA188 printer 12CARTON 240KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN JUL -11-2002 Close
HA186 s.s.washer 2BOX 40KGS Seoul SEL- Guayaquil GYE JUL -04-2002 Close
HA185 BAG & SHIRTS 28CARTON 470KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA JUL -03-2002 Close
HA184 °Ëµµ±¸ 23BAG 180KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO JUN -25-2002 Close
HA183 baby toys 12CARTON 240KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL JUL -02-2002 Close
HA182 controller 3CARTON 150KGS Dallas,TX DFW- Seoul SEL JUL -01-2002 Close
HA181 hardness tester 28CARTON 480KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL JUN -24-2002 Close
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