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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA221 kedougu 5CARTON 130KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO NOV -07-2002 Close
HA220 flowmeter 12CARTON 380KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL NOV -02-2002 Close
HA219 socks 18CARTON 380KGS Seoul SEL- Manchester MAN NOV -01-2002 Close
HA218 ÁÖÅÃÀÀ¿ëÇ° 48CARTON 2100KGS Seoul SEL- New York,NY-Kennedy JFK OCT -30-2002 Close
HA217 û¹ÙÁö 32CARTON 250KGS Los Angeles,CA LAX- Seoul SEL OCT -30-2002 Close
HA216 kedougu 4CARTON 110KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO OCT -09-2002 Close
HA215 Copper Patchcor 38CASE 1080KGS Seoul SEL- Cleveland,OH CLE OCT -12-2002 Close
HA214 PANTS 27BAG 550KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA OCT -07-2002 Close
HA213 book 8CARTON 100KGS Seoul SEL- New York,NY-Kennedy JFK OCT -01-2002 Close
HA212 ÇÁ¸°ÅÍ¿ë À×Å©Ä«Æ®¸®Áö 3BOX 360KGS Seoul SEL- Douala DLA SEP -25-2002 Close
HA211 FUNITURE 4CASE 630KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL SEP -17-2002 Close
HA210 Copper Patchcor 37CARTON 1050KGS Seoul SEL- Cleveland,OH CLE SEP -12-2002 Close
HA209 ½¦Å¸ 24CARTON 550KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL SEP -07-2002 Close
HA208 hair band 2CARTON 110KGS Seoul SEL- Monterrey MTY AUG -30-2002 Close
HA207 E. ACCESSORIES 9CARTON 140KGS Shanghai SHA- Seoul SEL AUG -29-2002 Close
HA206 Copper Patchcor 52CARTON 1050KGS Seoul SEL- Cleveland,OH CLE SEP -03-2002 Close
HA205 FABRICS 12CARTON 120KGS Seoul SEL- Karachi KHI AUG -23-2002 Close
HA204 accessary 5CARTON 100KGS Seoul SEL- Mexico City MEX AUG -23-2002 Close
HA203 bodycare 8CARTON 140KGS Tokyo TYO- Seoul SEL AUG -27-2002 Close
HA202 catalogues 4CARTON 340KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO AUG -24-2002 Close
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