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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA402 condom 128CARTON 5400KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST AUG -19-2009 Close
HA401 lcd pannel 3CARTON 70KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC AUG -18-2009 Close
HA400 clothes 2BAG 45KGS Seoul SEL- Beirut BEY AUG -19-2009 Close
HA399 clothes 8CARTON 200KGS Seoul SEL- Beirut BEY AUG -17-2009 Close
HA398 auto parts 2CARTON 70KGS Seoul SEL- no airport found AUG -12-2009 Close
HA397 shoes 3CARTON 100KGS Seoul SEL- Kampala EBB AUG -06-2009 Close
HA396 printer 20CARTON 460KGS Seoul SEL- Lagos LOS JAN -06-2009 Close
HA395 auto parts 25CARTON 386KGS Seoul SEL- Lagos LOS DEC -23-2008 Close
HA394 heater acc. 3CASE 500KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ DEC -20-2008 Close
HA393 fabric 1CASE 1600KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC DEC -23-2008 Close
HA392 mesh heater 4BOX 135KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ DEC -06-2008 Close
HA391 meshheater 2BAG 38KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ DEC -04-2008 Close
HA390 lenz 25BAG 180KGS Seoul SEL- Lagos LOS DEC -05-2008 Close
HA389 heater acc. 15CASE 400KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ NOV -28-2008 Close
HA388 coffee machine 1CASE 120KGS Seoul SEL- Melbourne MEL NOV -24-2008 Close
HA387 wall paper 12CARTON 70KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST NOV -19-2008 Close
HA386 electric goods 3BAG 60KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ NOV -08-2008 Close
HA385 sencer 8CARTON 95KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL AUG -02-2008 Close
HA384 garment 1CARTON 35KGS Seoul SEL- Tashkent TAS FEB -26-2008 Close
HA383 fabric 22BALE 600KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB JAN -21-2008 Close
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