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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA382 stamping foil 18CARTON 650KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST NOV -13-2007 Close
HA381 sweater 4CARTON 140KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN NOV -08-2007 Close
HA380 comdom 12CARTON 210KGS Seoul SEL- HAN Hanoi NOV -08-2007 Close
HA379 auto parts 3CARTON 32KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN NOV -03-2007 Close
HA378 elec.goods 1PALLET 1100KGS Kaohsiung KHH- Seoul SEL OCT -16-2007 Close
HA377 clothes 4CARTON 190KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN OCT -15-2007 Close
HA376 leather 5BALE 25KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL AUG -16-2007 Close
HA375 fabrics 12CARTON 350KGS Shanghai SHA- HAN Hanoi AUG -13-2007 Close
HA374 photo machine 3BAG 760KGS Seoul SEL- no airport found JUL -25-2007 Close
HA373 nickel strip 5CARTON 130KGS London LON- Seoul SEL JUL -06-2007 Close
HA372 elec.test 2CARTON 67KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL JUN -22-2007 Close
HA371 alloy sheet 8CARTON 370KGS Los Angeles,CA LAX- Seoul SEL JUN -20-2007 Close
HA370 fabrics 18BAG 680KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST JUN -21-2007 Close
HA369 fabrics 5BALE 250KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST JUN -14-2007 Close
HA368 fabrics 5BALE 90KGS Seoul SEL- HAN Hanoi APR -11-2007 Close
HA367 sticker 5CARTON 280KGS Seoul SEL- Mexico City MEX APR -16-2007 Close
HA366 marchine acc. 4CARTON 120KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL APR -10-2007 Close
HA365 car accessories 3BOX 35KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN MAR -29-2007 Close
HA364 roaster 1CARTON 78KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN MAR -28-2007 Close
HA363 fraim 30PACKAGE 540KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG MAR -29-2007 Close
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