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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA442 accessories 28CARTON 820KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST APR -30-2010 Close
HA441 wall paper 8BAG 167KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN APR -28-2010 Close
HA440 wall paper 8CARTON 167KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN APR -23-2010 Close
HA439 cctv 1CARTON 17KGS Seoul SEL- Guam GUM APR -19-2010 Close
HA438 equipment 17PALLET 2981KGS Seoul SEL- Minsk MSQ APR -07-2010 Close
HA437 paper 40CARTON 870KGS Seoul SEL- Istanbul IST MAR -18-2010 Close
HA436 autoparts 1CARTON 35KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC MAR -05-2010 Close
HA435 condom 29CARTON 1150KGS Seoul SEL- Kiev IEV MAR -04-2010 Close
HA434 dry fish 30BOX 390KGS Bangkok BKK- Seoul SEL FEB -18-2010 Close
HA433 spareparts 38CARTON 1140KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC FEB -17-2010 Close
HA432 heater 2BOX 84KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ FEB -05-2010 Close
HA431 heater 24CARTON 388KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ FEB -02-2010 Close
HA430 heater 21CARTON 363KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ JAN -27-2010 Close
HA429 pipe 3BUNDLE 3500KGS Seoul SEL- Manila MNL JAN -25-2010 Close
HA428 welding tip 3CARTON 63KGS Seoul SEL- Toronto,Ontario YTO JAN -23-2010 Close
HA427 heater 17BAG 250KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ JAN -20-2010 Close
HA426 autoparts 10BAG 118KGS Seoul SEL- Medellin MDE JAN -12-2010 Close
HA425 ¿å½Ç¿ë »þ¿öÇìµå 67CARTON 840KGS Seoul SEL- Riyadh RUH DEC -04-2009 Close
HA424 welding 1600GT 45KGS Seoul SEL- Tehran THR NOV -30-2009 Close
HA423 heater 13CASE 260KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ NOV -27-2009 Close
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