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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA422 swing reducer 1BOX 80KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN NOV -24-2009 Close
HA421 condom 24BAG 1550KGS Seoul SEL- Kiev IEV NOV -25-2009 Close
HA420 heater 6CARTON 136KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ OCT -23-2009 Close
HA419 food stuff 1CARTON 25KGS Istanbul IST- Seoul SEL OCT -15-2009 Close
HA418 autoparts 4CARTON 110KGS Shanghai SHA- Seoul SEL OCT -19-2009 Close
HA417 velt 2PALLET 450KGS Seoul SEL- Tehran THR OCT -08-2009 Close
HA416 heater 5CASE 250KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ OCT -09-2009 Close
HA415 autoparts 3PALLET 460KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB OCT -09-2009 Close
HA414 machinery 25BAG 520KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN OCT -07-2009 Close
HA413 film 5CARTON 120KGS Seoul SEL- Vancouver,Bc YVR SEP -18-2009 Close
HA412 sauna acc. 1CASE 300KGS Seoul SEL- Los Angeles,CA LAX SEP -21-2009 Close
HA411 auto parts 2PALLET 860KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC SEP -10-2009 Close
HA410 auto spareparts 2CARTON 45KGS Seoul SEL- Bahrain BAH SEP -10-2009 Close
HA409 foodstuff 10CASE 780KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN SEP -09-2009 Close
HA408 auto parts 2PALLET 450KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB SEP -07-2009 Close
HA407 welding rod 15CASE 1200KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN AUG -28-2009 Close
HA406 machinery 2CASE 100KGS Seoul SEL- Algiers ALG AUG -24-2009 Close
HA405 condom 130CARTON 5100KGS Seoul SEL- Kiev IEV AUG -26-2009 Close
HA404 welding rod 10BAG 300KGS Seoul SEL- Yerevan EVN AUG -22-2009 Close
HA403 machinery 2CASE 176KGS Seoul SEL- Cheju CJU AUG -19-2009 Close
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