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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA462 valve 12CASE 2815KGS Seoul SEL- Dar Es Salaam DAR FEB -09-2011 Close
HA461 heater 2CASE 260KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ JAN -28-2011 Close
HA460 print screen 2CARTON 80KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC JAN -27-2011 Close
HA459 valve 14CASE 1960KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB JAN -28-2011 Close
HA458 food 18PALLET 2250KGS Dubai DXB- Pusan PUS JAN -28-2011 Close
HA457 electronic good 3CASE 380KGS Guangzhou CAN- Seoul SEL JAN -14-2011 Close
HA456 garment 8CARTON 230KGS Delhi DEL- Seoul SEL JAN -18-2011 Close
HA455 valve 4PALLET 2400KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB DEC -02-2010 Close
HA454 music instrumen 8CARTON 67KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL DEC -01-2010 Close
HA453 drum 6CARTON 45KGS Shenzhen SZX- Seoul SEL NOV -25-2010 Close
HA452 wall paper 9CARTON 206KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN JUL -22-2010 Close
HA451 wall paper 8CARTON 170KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN JUL -02-2010 Close
HA450 heater acc. 2CARTON 58KGS Seoul SEL- Tianjin TSN JUN -08-2010 Close
HA449 wall paper 8BAG 190KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN MAY -26-2010 Close
HA448 wall paper 7BAG 160KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN MAY -20-2010 Close
HA447 chip 2BAG 23KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN MAY -17-2010 Close
HA446 wall paper 8BAG 160KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN MAY -15-2010 Close
HA445 heater 5CARTON 240KGS Seoul SEL- Sendai SDJ MAY -13-2010 Close
HA444 autoparts 6CARTON 95KGS Seoul SEL- Dubai DXB MAY -12-2010 Close
HA443 wall paper 9CARTON 190KGS Seoul SEL- Ho Chi Minh SGN MAY -13-2010 Close
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