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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA522 cosmetics 2CASE 70KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG DEC -10-2013 Close
HA521 drilling 8BOX 3350KGS Seoul SEL- Vladivostok VVO DEC -13-2013 Close
HA520 pham good 1CARTON 45KGS Seoul SEL- Dhaka DAC JUL -30-2013 Close
HA519 LED LIGHT 3PACKAGE 1200KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Narita NRT APR -15-2013 Close
HA518 HEATER 1PALLET 664KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO FEB -18-2013 Close
HA517 MACHINERY 1CASE 122KGS Seoul SEL- Los Angeles,CA LAX FEB -19-2013 Close
HA516 HORSE FEED 1PALLET 760KGS Houston,TX HOU- Seoul SEL FEB -21-2013 Close
HA515 MEDICAL GOODS 2CARTON 130KGS Seoul SEL- Manila MNL DEC -22-2012 Close
HA514 SPAREPARTS 1CARTON 15KGS Seoul SEL- Muscat MCT NOV -24-2012 Close
HA513 switch 3CARTON 58KGS Seoul SEL- Los Angeles,CA LAX NOV -13-2012 Close
HA512 ink tap 3CARTON 128KGS Seoul SEL- Bangkok BKK NOV -08-2012 Close
HA511 condom 27CARTON 950KGS Seoul SEL- Bogota BOG NOV -15-2012 Close
HA510 tea 8CARTON 150KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL NOV -11-2012 Close
HA509 macine 1CASE 240KGS Dhaka DAC- Seoul SEL NOV -10-2012 Close
HA508 ink cap 4CARTON 180KGS Seoul SEL- Bangkok BKK OCT -16-2012 Close
HA507 ship spareparts 1BOX 25KGS Seoul SEL- Antwerp ANR OCT -15-2012 Close
HA506 machinery 1CASE 230KGS Seoul SEL- Bucharest BUH OCT -13-2012 Close
HA505 tea 25CARTON 820KGS Seoul SEL- Milan-Linate LIN SEP -11-2012 Close
HA504 cosmetics 12CARTON 240KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG JUL -09-2012 Close
HA503 machinery 2PALLET 3200KGS Seoul SEL- Guangzhou CAN JUL -05-2012 Close
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