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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA58 HDD 45CARTON 460KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO SEP -05-2001 Close
HA57 gauge 27CARTON 120KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL AUG -29-2001 Close
HA56 potassium metal 15CARTON 60KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG AUG -25-2001 Close
HA55 health food 31CARTON 350KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL AUG -28-2001 Close
HA54 book 18CARTON 370KGS Singapore SIN- Seoul SEL AUG -27-2001 Close
HA53 LCD 14CAN 150KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL AUG -21-2001 Close
HA52 catalogue 1BOX 100KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo TYO AUG -07-2001 Close
HA51 E.GOODS 50CARTON 350KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL AUG -05-2001 Close
HA50 furniture 3CASE 780KGS Milan-Orio Serio BGY- Seoul SEL AUG -10-2001 Close
HA49 ÀüÀÚÁ¦Ç° 5BOX 60KGS Seoul SEL- Singapore SIN JUL -23-2001 Close
HA48 LCD 5CARTON 45KGS Beijing BJS- Seoul SEL JUL -21-2001 Close
HA47 natural food 22CARTON 230KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL JUL -18-2001 Close
HA46 flowmeter 4CARTON 85KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL JUL -10-2001 Close
HA45 wood plate 4BUNDLE 390KGS Milan-Linate LIN- Seoul SEL JUL -08-2001 Close
HA44 BUTTERFLY VALVE 25CARTON 530KGS Frankfurt FRA- Seoul SEL JUL -18-2001 Close
HA43 fabrics 42CARTON 350KGS Bratislava-Bus Stn ZRG- Seoul SEL JUL -10-2001 Close
HA42 FLOWMETER 20CARTON 320KGS Madrid MAD- Seoul SEL JUN -23-2001 Close
HA41 steel product 800CARTON 1500KGS Seoul SEL- Bournemouth BOH JUN -15-2001 Close
HA40 garment 52CARTON 2530KGS Seoul SEL- Manila MNL JUN -12-2001 Close
HA39 textile 280BALE 4200KGS Seoul SEL- Damascus DAM JUN -12-2001 Close
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