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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA78 WOODEN PANNEL 5BUNDLE 340KGS Helsinki HEL- Seoul SEL NOV -08-2001 Close
HA77 DVD 160CARTON 1150KGS Vienna VIE- Seoul SEL NOV -05-2001 Close
HA76 healthy food 35CARTON 380KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL OCT -30-2001 Close
HA75 FLOWMETER 57CARTON 270KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL OCT -27-2001 Close
HA74 bodycare 250CARTON 620KGS Sydney SYD- Seoul SEL OCT -27-2001 Close
HA73 LCD 140CARTON 2500KGS Beijing BJS- Vienna VIE NOV -10-2001 Close
HA72 fabrics 220CARTON 1400KGS Seoul SEL- Jakarta JKT OCT -21-2001 Close
HA71 healthy food 1CASE 450KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL OCT -22-2001 Close
HA70 hearty food 32CASE 320KGS Seoul SEL- Indianapolis,IN IND OCT -15-2001 Close
HA69 personal care 110CARTON 2200KGS Dublin DUB- Seoul SEL SEP -28-2001 Close
HA68 Body Care 125BAG 2500KGS Sydney SYD- Seoul SEL SEP -28-2001 Close
HA67 light accessory 23CARTON 570KGS Seoul SEL- London LON OCT -09-2001 Close
HA66 books 30CARTON 470KGS Singapore SIN- Seoul SEL OCT -05-2001 Close
HA65 hair bands 35CARTON 250KGS Seoul SEL- Hong Kong HKG SEP -28-2001 Close
HA64 DVD 25CARTON 340KGS Tokyo-Haneda HND- Seoul SEL SEP -21-2001 Close
HA63 speaker 12CARTON 450KGS Montreal,Quebec YMQ- Seoul SEL OCT -01-2001 Close
HA62 flowmeter 15CARTON 110KGS Edmonton,Alberta-Intl YEG- Seoul SEL SEP -17-2001 Close
HA61 car audio 32CARTON 240KGS Seoul SEL- Chicago,IL CHI SEP -15-2001 Close
HA60 healty food 25CARTON 260KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL SEP -07-2001 Close
HA59 funiture 5CASE 340KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL SEP -10-2001 Close
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