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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA138 ÀÇ·ù 27BAG 510KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA APR -06-2002 Close
HA137 valve 5CARTON 110KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL APR -02-2002 Close
HA136 watch 10BAG 350KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL MAR -30-2002 Close
HA135 garments 22CARTON 430KGS Seoul SEL- Hamburg HAM MAR -26-2002 Close
HA134 baby goods 12CARTON 120KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL MAR -25-2002 Close
HA133 fabric 5CARTON 850KGS Seoul SEL- Phnom Penh PNH MAR -21-2002 Close
HA132 catalogue 2CARTON 100KGS Singapore SIN- Seoul SEL MAR -20-2002 Close
HA131 pants 10CARTON 120KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL MAR -14-2002 Close
HA130 LCD 8CARTON 120KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL MAR -14-2002 Close
HA129 controler 32CARTON 560KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL MAR -16-2002 Close
HA128 band 1PALLET 520KGS Seoul SEL- Moscow MOW MAR -15-2002 Close
HA127 BAND 2CASE 650KGS Seoul SEL- Kuala Lumpur KUL MAR -09-2002 Close
HA126 machinery 5CARTON 70KGS Pusan PUS- Damascus DAM MAR -07-2002 Close
HA125 machinery 1CASE 70KGS Seoul SEL- Damascus DAM FEB -28-2002 Close
HA124 garment 20CARTON 460KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA MAR -07-2002 Close
HA123 catalogue 7CARTON 180KGS Seoul SEL- Tokyo-Haneda HND MAR -02-2002 Close
HA122 controler 3CASE 240KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL MAR -04-2002 Close
HA121 GARMENT 25CARTON 580KGS Seoul SEL- Hamburg HAM FEB -26-2002 Close
HA120 LCD 12CARTON 360KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL FEB -23-2002 Close
HA119 valve 6CASE 320KGS Osaka OSA- Seoul SEL FEB -21-2002 Close
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