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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HA98 ½Ã°è 20CARTON 520KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL JAN -02-2002 Close
HA97 m/w Áß°è±â 6CARTON 25KGS Stockholm-Arlanda ARN- Seoul SEL DEC -21-2001 Close
HA96 Ź»ó¿ë ½Ã°è 17CARTON 470KGS Hong Kong HKG- Seoul SEL DEC -19-2001 Close
HA95 ȯdz±â 9CARTON 40KGS Seoul SEL- Amman AMM DEC -12-2001 Close
HA94 engine spares 6CASE 650KGS Pusan PUS- Windhoek WDH DEC -08-2001 Close
HA93 FABRIC 20CARTON 600KGS Seoul SEL- Osaka-Itami ITM DEC -14-2001 Close
HA92 CPU CHIP 75GT 1500KGS Seoul SEL- London-Heathrow LHR DEC -12-2001 Close
HA91 garment 35CARTON 560KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA DEC -09-2001 Close
HA90 cap 200BOX 3000KGS Seoul SEL- Cairo CAI DEC -01-2001 Close
HA89 computer parts 28CARTON 600KGS Seoul SEL- Accra ACC DEC -04-2001 Close
HA88 machinery 1CASE 1900KGS Taipei TPE- Seoul SEL DEC -03-2001 Close
HA87 Robber Magnet 60BOX 720KGS Seoul SEL- Bangkok BKK NOV -26-2001 Close
HA86 DISC BACKUP PAD 2PALLET 240KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL NOV -26-2001 Close
HA85 LCD 30BAG 350KGS Seoul SEL- Montreal,Quebec-Mirabel YMX NOV -24-2001 Close
HA84 BUTTERFLY VALVE 2CASE 730KGS Milan MIL- Seoul SEL DEC -01-2001 Close
HA83 DVD 30CARTON 270KGS Tokyo-Haneda HND- Seoul SEL NOV -27-2001 Close
HA82 textile 25ROLL 320KGS Seoul SEL- Jakarta-Soekarno CGK NOV -28-2001 Close
HA81 DISC BACKUP PAD 36BAG 280KGS Chicago,IL CHI- Seoul SEL NOV -23-2001 Close
HA80 non skid chain 1CASE 300KGS Stuttgart STR- Seoul SEL NOV -14-2001 Close
HA79 garment 32CARTON 1200KGS Seoul SEL- Frankfurt FRA NOV -06-2001 Close
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