Summary of Our Company The Current State of Development System Characteristics System Characteristics The Effect of Introducing the System System Task Model
Development Office
- Domestic Bank / Stock Firm (Cooperative companies such as Kookmin, San-up, Joo-Taek, Sae-Jong Stock)
Content of Development
- Many of domestic banks and stock firms change their system from intranet structure to internet-based structure.
- Problem of data execution between the current system and the new internet-based system
- Integration of two systems in defense of this trend
- Integration with the internet-based system
Development Office
- Domestic Construction (Housing Construction, Land Development Corporation, Gas Corporation)
Content of Development
- Inevitable need for database integration between different divisions and regions
  (for instance, between Seoul and Busan Branch)
  To prepare for this need, there is need for internet-based system that does not get limited by space and region
- Problem of data execution between the current system and the new internet-based system
- Integration of two systems in defense of this trend
- Integration with the internet-based system
CARGOROWORLD CO., LTD.  ¤Ó  Corporate Registration Number: 201-81-28099  ¤Ó  President(CEO): Kwon-Ho Cho ¤Ó  E-MAIL : cargoro1@cargoro.com
Addresss: #405, 62-9, TAEPYUNGRO-1GA, CHUNG-GU, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA  |  TEL: +82-2-722-0397  ¤Ó  FAX: +82-2-722-0398
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