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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Condition Closing Date Status
SO7153 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -New York PPD DEC -06-2013 Close
SO7152 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -New York PPD NOV -29-2013 Close
SO7150 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -Long Beach PPD DEC -11-2013 Close
SO7149 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -Long Beach PPD DEC -06-2013 Close
SO7148 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -Long Beach PPD DEC -04-2013 Close
SO7147 GENERAL CARGO 65CBM Pusan -Long Beach PPD NOV -29-2013 Close
SO7146 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -Chicago PPD DEC -06-2013 Close
SO7145 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -Chicago PPD DEC -06-2013 Close
SO7144 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -Chicago PPD NOV -29-2013 Close
SO7143 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -Chicago PPD NOV -29-2013 Close
SO7142 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -New York PPD DEC -08-2013 Close
SO7141 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -New York PPD DEC -08-2013 Close
SO7140 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -New York PPD DEC -02-2013 Close
SO7139 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -New York PPD DEC -02-2013 Close
SO7138 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD DEC -05-2013 Close
SO7137 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD DEC -05-2013 Close
SO7136 GENERAL CARGO 30FEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD NOV -28-2013 Close
SO7135 GENERAL CARGO 30TEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD NOV -28-2013 Close
SO7134 general cargo 50FEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD AUG -05-2013 Close
SO7133 general cargo 50FEU Pusan -Los Angeles PPD AUG -05-2013 Close
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