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No Item Amount Origin - Destination Closing Date Status
HO3757 banana 1x40 REEFER Hochiminh City - Pusan SEP -20-2022 Close
HO3756 ¶ó¸é 2x40 HQ Pusan - Chittagong SEP -15-2022 Close
HO3755 plywood 2x40 HQ Haiphong - Inchon SEP -14-2022 Close
HO3754 USED MACHINE 1x20 DRY Pusan - Sianouk Ville SEP -06-2022 Close
HO3753 USED MACHINE 1x40 HQ Pusan - Manzanillo AUG -30-2022 Close
HO3752 AIR CLEANER 1x20 DRY Pusan - Haiphong AUG -26-2022 Close
HO3751 Korean Noodle 1x40 HQ Pusan - Chittagong AUG -25-2022 Close
HO3750 Korean Noodle 1x40 HQ Pusan - Karachi AUG -12-2022 Close
HO3749 machine 8.2CBM Pusan - New York AUG -11-2022 Close
HO3748 uv cleanner 1x20 DRY Hochiminh City - Chittagong AUG -06-2022 Close
HO3747 plywood 1x40 HQ Haiphong - Inchon AUG -08-2022 Close
HO3746 korean noodle 1x40 HQ Pusan - Chittagong AUG -04-2022 Close
HO3745 ¶ó¸é 1x40 HQ Pusan - Karachi MAY -17-2022 Close
HO3744 MACHINERY 2x40 HQ Pusan - Manzanillo MAY -31-2022 Close
HO3743 Mask 7.6CBM Pusan - Tokyo MAY -19-2022 Close
HO3742 plywood 2x40 HQ Haiphong - Inchon MAY -17-2022 Close
HO3741 steel coil 3x20 DRY Pusan - Chittagong MAY -26-2022 Close
HO3740 ¹°ºñ·á 2x20 DRY Inchon - Jakarta MAY -24-2022 Close
HO3739 steel plate 3x20 DRY Pusan - Chittagong MAY -16-2022 Close
HO3737 MACHINERY 5.2CBM Pusan - Hochiminh City MAY -07-2022 Close
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